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Bogdan Sarwiński

visibility DISPLAYS: 823

He was born in 1957 in Działdowo. A graduate of the Secondary School in Działdowo and the Post-Secondary College of Photography in Warsaw, he belonged to the Creative Group of Young Photographers - 6x6 Club of the Youth Palace in Warsaw. From 1981 a member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers. Since 2004 he has been living in the village of Błędów near Grójec. At the turn of the 70's and 80's, he collaborated with the weekly magazines "etc" and "Razem". At that time, his work could be seen at individual exhibitions: Views (WDK Ciechanów, 1978), Registration (Hybrydy, Warsaw, 1980), Triptych (Hybrydy, Warsaw, 1981), Exam (FF Gallery, Łódź, 1983). In 1984-1987 he organized the action "Photograph for a son - a message in 2000", in which 616 authors from 29 countries, 5 continents took part. The years of his stay in Błędów bring the artist acquaintance with the extraordinary figure of the art world, Wojciech Fangor. An expression of the fascination with the figure of Wojciech Fangor is the publication of his original album Fangormagorie in 2012 and a series of photographic exhibitions, the first of which was Bogdan Sarwiński's Fangomagorie, i.e. who it is, was held in November 2013 at the Stara Galeria ZPAF in Warsaw, and the last POGRANICZA in November 2018. . in Gardzienice Gallery in Lublin. Awards: 1st Prize in the National Competition "etc." for the Best Photo Report from the 1st Peace Marathon, 1979; Grand Prix of the National Photographic Confrontations SET '84 in Gorzów Wlkp; 1st Prize of the National Presentation of Author's Kits Młodzi in the modern world in Bielsko-Biała.


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