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Dariusz Ślusarsky

visibility DISPLAYS: 1509
Dariusz Ślusarski was born in 1979 and works in Częstochowa. He graduated from Jacek Malczewski High School of Fine Arts and thereafter he continued his education at Jan Długosz University. The artist has been painting for more than 20 years and in the art market he has been known as a representative of surrealism - magical realism. Dariusz takes us to his magical world, to which he has devoted his whole life. Although the track he has chosen is windy and twisty, he has been improving his painting skills and techniques all the way through it, learning from the best masters in this field. The painter has accomplished a high position on the art market, mostly due to his skills and incredible imagination. He neither keeps to the beaten track nor conforms to external influences. The artist’s paintings present stories which take us to the surreal world of his own imagination. The painter has already presented his works on numerous exhibitions and art fairs of high importance - London, Berlin, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Cracow and most often, in Częstochowa, where the artist lives and works. Dariusz’s paintings can be found in the best galleries across the whole Poland as well as in private collections both home and abroad.


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Artworks Gallery - Dariusz Ślusarsky

Oil, Canvas, 150 cm x 170 cm
Price $7 670
Oil, Canvas, 70 cm x 90 cm
Price $4 370

Sales Archive - Dariusz Ślusarsky

Rome, 2018
Oil, Canvas, 120 cm x 100 cm
Oil, Canvas, 100 cm x 70 cm
Sparkle, 2018
Oil, Canvas, 110 cm x 90 cm
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