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Jan Wołek

visibility DISPLAYS: 2757

Jan Wołek was born in 1954 in Warsaw. He is a poet, painter, writer, singer and caricaturist. He studied aesthetics at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw. He is a laureate of several festivals, including a two-time winner of the Student Song Festival in Krakow; multiple participant and laureate of the FAMA Academic Youth Art Festival, author of approx. 3000 songs, author of several books.

As an artist, he participated in open-air workshops and group exhibitions. He has had a number of individual exhibitions in Warsaw, Poznań, Olsztyn, Kazimierz, Lublin, Bielsko Biała, Konin, Kielce, Sopot, Stuttgart, Berlin, Irkutsk, Tokyo, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Lviv, Krzemieniec, Grodno, Almaty, Iława, Zielona Góra, Żary, Międzyzdroje and Bishkek. His original gallery is located in Kazimierz on the Vistula.


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Sales Archive - Jan Wołek

Oil, Canvas, 65 cm x 54 cm
Oil, Canvas, 54 cm x 65 cm
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