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Janusz Przybylski

visibility DISPLAYS: 705

Born in 1937 in Poznań, died in 1998 in Warsaw. Painter, graphic artist and draftsman. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, where he obtained his diploma in 1963 at the Painting Department of A. Kobzdej. He lectured at his alma mater from 1964, and in 1987 he was awarded the title of professor. He has completed over 60 individual exhibitions, including many abroad, and participated in several hundred collective exhibitions, including the most important reviews of Polish art in Poland and in the world, as well as international events of the highest rank. He was the laureate of many prestigious awards, including: 1st prize at the 5th Internationale Graphik-Ausstelung in Vienna (1967), 1st prize at the 1st National Graphic Competition in Łódź (1968), silver medal at the 3rd Festival of Fine Arts in Warsaw (1970) , gold medal at the Biennale in S? o Paulo (1971), Grand Prix at the 6th Festival of Polish Contemporary Painting in Szczecin (1972), gold medal at the 4th Festival of Fine Arts in Warsaw (1982), awards in the Best Graphic of the Year competition in Warsaw ( 1980), the Apollo 85 medal in Talli, Italy (1985), the 2nd degree award of the Minister of Culture and Arts (1986) and the individual award of the Minister of Culture and Art for outstanding artistic and didactic achievements (1998).


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