Modern Impressionism: oil paintings of Krystyna Róż-Pasek
“The years of my childhood and youth are a very monochromatic time, a time of adjusting the individual to the environment. And my goal and sense was to search for a colorful world. Thanks to painting it was possible. Over time, there was also interest in art. I remember that I liked impressionism the most, already in high school or even in elementary school. Maybe because it was colorful, so warm and pleasant. This Impressionist world interested me a lot. I recently realized that painting, which I have now reached myself, is something of a modern impressionism“- Krystyna Róż- Pasek told us about her work.
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Sound vibration – one of Krystyna Róż-Pasek’s oil paintings in the Online Art in House Gallery.
Krystyna Róż-Pasek is an artist born in 1981 in Gorlice. She is a graduate of the High School of Fine Arts in Tarnów (profile: weaving). In the years 2004–2009 she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, the Faculty of Interior Design. She completed her diploma work in a furniture and interior design studio. He currently lives and develops his work in Krakow. He belongs to the Association of Polish Artists.
The artist mainly deals with easel painting, creating her own paintings. Her oil paintings on canvas are characterized by strong expressive colors and the texture of the paint, applied using a paint spatula.
As Krystyna Róż-Pasek told us, she always devoted a lot of time to developing skills, derived from the variety of classes at schools or classes at the Academy of Fine Arts, and all this way, through various creative, imitative or design activities led her to the place, in which he is now.

Waiting for the sound- Krystyna Róż-Pasek
“At some point, painting no longer needs inspiration. A hot spot for creating is the internal need to pour out accumulated emotions onto the canvas. I don’t think too long, I paint because I feel, I paint because it is a necessity, and everything that happens around me is my fuel”.
Expressive, feminine oil paintings filled with music
As Krystyna Róż-Pasek says, she has always been involved in painting, and art accompanies her from an early age. The artist has never had any doubt that she would be involved in art in her life. Years of exercise and research have led her to the feeling that I am ready to convey my feelings through painting, that through my own creativity it can evoke emotions in other people.
“I have always been an internally contradictory person, very calm, even shy, and at the same time constantly fighting, hitting the future with great impetus. Very loud in its image. And this is also my painting: strongly contrasting colors, quite the opposite, which give the paintings enormous energy, anxiety while presenting very dreamy, listening to their interior, women playing instruments”.
Performances of women playing instruments appeared in the paintings of the artist because of her passion for music. Krystyna Róż-Pasek likes non-classical music, which she most often depicts, while the themes of classical music are the most visually beautiful for her: “The instruments have a beautiful line, they are harmonious and perfect, which contrasts perfectly with the expression of my paintings. It reproduces sound, tonality through color, texture and movement in the image. In my opinion, my art shows the joy of life, the joy of creation. It allows you to look at everyday life with ease, “says the painter.
The technique, in which Krystyna Róż-Pasek creates, is a kind of, as she says, the result of the process of earlier creation and search. Oil paints and a painting spatula, which the artist uses, allow her to expressive painting, to act quickly, to “convey the moment immediately”. The thick texture of the paint does not allow you to return to the image after a long time.

Feminine moment – full of feelings oil paintings of Krystyna Róż-Pasek.
“The image, from when it is created in my mind, when I decide on the subject and composition, in the next step is created very strongly. Creating a picture in a few days allows you to preserve energy and freshness. Thanks to this, the images are light, spontaneous, and that’s what I would like to share with the recipient. The paintings are painted dynamically with the technique of oil paints, which allow the color to blend into the color. It gives a characteristic effect. “
Where are the oil paintings of Krystyna Róż-Pasek are created?
The artist’s painting workshop is in the living room of her family apartment. As he says, he deliberately paints between taking care of his children, preparing dinner, and looking into social media.
“I like to paint intuitively, looking from a distance, by the way the picture and approaching to put some important spots at the moment. I don’t need or even like peace and quiet. A lot is happening around, and energetic music is always heard in the background. Whether I’m painting good or bad also results from my mood. I paint best when I’m in a good mood, when I can put positive emotions on the canvas. “
We invite you to the gallery of works of Krystyna Róż-Pasek in Art in House!
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