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FAQ for Artists - answers to frequently asked questions


How can I submit my art work for auction?

To propose your work for auctions held at the Art in House Auction House, please send an email to containing AT LEAST 3 works (size of an e-mail may not exceed 10 MB).



1. How to start cooperation?

To start cooperation with Art in House Online Gallery, you need to register on gallery's website. Complete the registration form by attaching a portfolio and short biography with several sample works, thanks to which we will be able to get to know your work.

Link to registration form in our online gallery: Artist Zone: Apply

The application will be verified by the Gallery team within five business days. If the profile is accepted, the artist will receive the regulations and further instructions to the e-mail address provided when registering. If the application is not accepted, the artist will receive appropriate information by e-mail.


2. Will portfolio given during registration appear immediately on the website in the gallery's offer?

No. The images from the application form are only used to familiarize gallery employees with the artist's work. If you want these works to appear in the gallery offer, you can add them again to your profile after completing the registration and accepting the regulations. 


3. How can I add works to the Art in House website?

After accepting the Gallery's regulations and providing the necessary data in the registration form, the artist receives access (the password is set during the registration process) to the dedicated Artist Account, which is an administrative panel allowing you to manage your profile, offered works and their photos, as well as billing data.

To add works to the online gallery's offer, you must (after registering and accepting the regulations) log in with your access data to the Artist's Account here: Then, after logging in, go to the "Your Works" section (by clicking the appropriate item in the menu on the left). In "Your Works" section, click "Add work" button (located in the upper right corner of the screen) and fill in all needed fields.


4. How soon, after submitting the works, will they be approved and appear in the gallery's offer?

After submitting a work via the Artist Account and saving it as active, it becomes automatically available in our gallery. Any possible delays, which in some situations may be up to about an hour, are the result from the need to synchronize the IT systems supporting our website.


5. I have problems logging in to my Artist account.

If you have lost the password to your account/profile, click the "I forgot my password" link under the login form and then provide the e-mail address associated with your account. Further instructions will be sent to the indicated address enabling you to set a new password for your account.

In case of other types of problems with logging in to your account, please contact our gallery directly for technical support.


6. Can I set my profile picture and biography in the gallery myself?

Yes. Both your profile photo and your bio can be edited by you via your Artist Account. To edit these settings, after logging in to your Artist Account, go to the "Your Bio" section by clicking the appropriate link in the menu on the left side of the screen. After going to the section and making the necessary changes, click the "Save" button located at the bottom of the screen under the form fields.


7. Can I withdraw my job from the sale offer in the Art in House online gallery?

Yes. Just like adding works, editing and deleting them is also possible via a dedicated Artist Account. To temporarily or permanently withdraw a selected work from sale, go to the "Your Works" section (menu on the left side of the screen), and then find the work you want to change on the list (you can use the filters at the top for this purpose). After locating the work, click the pencil icon next to the work status information and select the new target status (“Available”, “Hidden”, “Sold”, “Reserved”). The status of a work can also be set in its edit view by selecting the appropriate setting in the appropriate form. In this case, for the status change to take effect, remember to click the "Save changes" button.  In case of any problems with changing the availability of selected works, you can send a report via e-mail to: The information should indicate the work that requires change and indicate the target values.


8. What should I do if I sell an art outside of the website in the Art in House gallery?

In such a situation, please immediately and urgently set the status of the selected work as "Sold". To do this, use the appropriate function in the dedicated Artist Account. In the event of limited access to a computer or other technical problems that make it impossible to change the status, please send an urgent e-mail to indicating the work whose status should be marked as "Sold".

Art in House does not reserve the exclusive right to sell works, but - in order to avoid misunderstandings with customers - we do not want to allow unavailable works to be sold on our website.


9. What happens if I do not report the unavailability of my work in Art in House and it is sold or booked by the customer on this website?

In accordance with the regulations of the online gallery, in such a case, the artist will be charged a contractual penalty in the amount of the agreed price of a given work posted on our website, which was not reported as sold and was sold to another client by Art in House (such a mechanism is introduced to avoid a situation, in which customers buy works that are not actually available from the Artists).


10. If my work sells in the Art in House online gallery, how soon will I get paid?

The sales price set by the artist for the work will be transferred to the artist's bank account (indicated in the registration form) by the 14th day of the month following the month in which the sale was made. We try to make transfers as quickly as possible, but we must remember that customers can return works within 14 days of receiving them.

If you have any other questions, please contact us at 

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