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Anies Murawska

visibility DISPLAYS: 764

Anies Murawska was born in 1989. She started her artistic education studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. There, in the Painting Studio of Stanisław Wiśniewski and the Drawing Studio of Alan Rzepka, she learned artistry. After three years, she changed a classic and traditional university for the benefit of Warsaw art academy, which charmed her with a breath of freshness and space. In Warsaw, she was improving her skills at the Studio of Stanisław Baj and Artur Krajewski.

In her work she is guided by the belief that art should be joyful, delighting the eye and bringing a smile. In each of her paintings she tries to smuggle a fair wind or lightness of the moment. Fleeting moments are possible for her to capture. Living in Warsaw, she carries out painting orders on canvas and a wall, but she feels real freedom in the bosom of nature. Masuria is her second home.


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