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Anna Luteracka

visibility DISPLAYS: 2092

Anna Luteracka was born in 1967. She has pedagogical education, but most of her life deals with unique fabric, applied ceramics and sculpture. From 1998 she ran the Summer Gallery-Atelier in Inowłodz and in 2000 - 2003 in Łódź the gallery "a rebours Ekscentric Furniture Theater". Since 2015, he has permanently lived in Inowłódz and creates his facilities here.

She is the creator of "Kruchomocze". That's how she called her sculptures-objects, which are a story about emotions closed in ceramic cities, paper leaves, logs of wood, etched by the passage of time rolling along the tracks of life, or events fluttering in the wind ... She is fascinated by natural materials: paper, wood, clay ... The ceramic city that creates is the story of mystery and human emotions ...

The motto which defines these works is: "Our fragile life", constantly on the move and you never know when it will jump out of the generally accepted as the right track. "The artist presents her" Crappy Soft "objects in many Polish galleries.


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Artworks Gallery - Anna Luteracka

Pottery, 37 cm x 17 cm
Price $930
48 cm x 15 cm
Price $610

Sales Archive - Anna Luteracka

Pottery, 55 cm x 60 cm
Pottery, 44 cm x 17 cm
Pottery, 31 cm x 12 cm
Pottery, 31 cm x 8 cm
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