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Anna Maria Jankiewicz

visibility DISPLAYS: 158

Anna Maria Jankiewicz was born on April 28, 1998 in Poland. She was raised in Spain from the age of 7. She finished her degree in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona. She is also on her 3rd year psychology. Jankiewicz lives and creates between Catalonia and Poland. In her works, the author treats psychological and surreal themes, drawing inspiration from the surrounding nature, paying attention to its various forms and transformations. She is intrigued by people in their emotional and spiritual spheres, and she is enchanted by beauty in various forms, which she transforms and communicates through painting. Her works are regularly exhibited at DESA Unicum at young art auctions and can also be purchased privately through the instagram account @anna_jankiewicz


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Artworks Gallery - Anna Maria Jankiewicz

Sun gazing, 2022
Mixed media, Board, 80 cm x 80 cm
Price $540
Ink, Mixed media, Charcoal, Acrylic, Other, Board, 80 cm x 80 cm
Price $1 000

Sales Archive - Anna Maria Jankiewicz

Mixed media, Board, 80 cm x 80 cm
Mixed media, Board, 80 cm x 80 cm
Mixed media, Board, 90 cm x 90 cm
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