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Anna Szelągowska

visibility DISPLAYS: 582

Painting is my passion and the way to express myself. I'm a self-taught artist who is in love with the play of colours, shade and light. In my artworks I often use vibrant contrasting colours and geometric figures. I work mostly with acrylic paints but I sometimes combine them with other technique such as oil paints and pastels. My favourite art styles are art deco and cubism. I've been painting almost every day for over 4 years. At present, my passion has become my work too. I'm proud that several dozen my paintings decorate inetriors in Poland and abroad.


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Artworks Gallery - Anna Szelągowska

Polo, 2024
Acrylic, Canvas, 60 cm x 65 cm
Price $650
Acrylic, Canvas, 90 cm x 60 cm
Price $720
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