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Jacek Yerka

visibility DISPLAYS: 2399

Jacek Yerka was born in 1952 in Toruń. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (he obtained his diploma in 1976). In the initial phase of his artistic activity, he designed posters exhibited by, among others, at the Polish Poster Biennale in Katowice, Lahti Biennale and in Warsaw. He has been painting since 1980. His works in the trend of surrealism are fairy-tale compositions and landscapes. In 1995, the artist was awarded the World Fantasy Award. The publishing house "Morpheus International" has published a monograph devoted to the author, entitled "The Fantastic Art of Jacek Yerka".

The artist designed the cover of Seweryn Krajewski's "I like this sadness" album.


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Artworks Gallery - Jacek Yerka

Pastel, Paper, 48 cm x 57.5 cm
Price $10 410
Pencil, Paper, 14.5 cm x 17 cm
Price $2 880
Giclee, 45 cm x 37 cm
Price $830
Giclee, 61 cm x 48 cm
Price $970

Sales Archive - Jacek Yerka

Inkography, Paper, 19 cm x 22.5 cm
Inkography, Paper, 21 cm x 19 cm
Inkography, Paper, 20 cm x 19 cm
Inkography, Paper, 20 cm x 19 cm
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