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Jan Spałwan

visibility DISPLAYS: 225

In the years 1968-1982 he was a member of the Świętokrzyskie Photographic Society. From 1978 he was a member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers. In the years 1976-1978 he was a member of the artistic "Grupa 10x10" operating at the Kielce branch of the ZPAF. In 1978, he was a co-founder of the Świętokrzyskie District of the ZPAF. In the years 1973-2004 he participated in the PTTK sightseeing photography movement. In the years 1968-1988, Jan Spałwan was a member and representative of the Kielce Landscape School. He has participated in over 500 individual and collective exhibitions - both domestic and international. He has many awards, medals, diplomas and congratulatory letters to his credit. The aftermath of his participation in the International Photography Salons (under the patronage of FIAP) was the award of the honorary title of Artiste FIAP (AFIAP) to Jan Spałwan by the International Federation of Photographic Art FIAP, currently based in Paris. The work of Jan Spałwan is primarily black and white photography, sightseeing, landscape, nature, photography of architectural monuments, and sociological photography. For his photographic work he was awarded the Jan Bułhak Diploma by the Federation of Amateur Photographic Associations in Poland. In 1983 he was included in the group of artists awarded with the 1st Degree Group Prize of the Minister of Culture and Art.


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