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Jolanta Kalopsidiotis

visibility DISPLAYS: 37

Jolanta Kalopsidiotis is a painter born in 1960 in Warsaw. She graduated from the Secondary School of Arts and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. From 1987, she lived in Cyprus for many years, where she started a family and worked. She led, among others there, its own art studio and author's gallery. Her rich artistic output is known outside Poland - Jolanta Kalopsidiotis paintings have been at group and individual exhibitions in Greece, Cyprus, France, and recently also in Poland. Horses are the main theme of her work.


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Artworks Gallery - Jolanta Kalopsidiotis

Acrylic, Canvas, 70 cm x 100 cm
Price $680
Stallion, 2020
Acrylic, Paper, 80 cm x 100 cm
Price $680
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