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Justyna Gajda

visibility DISPLAYS: 1286

Justyna Gajda was born in Jasło in Podkarpacie. She is a painter and interior architect. He currently lives and works in Krakow. She graduated from the Art High School in Krosno, after graduating from high school, she went to Chicago, where she studied painting in several local nurseries, and then continued her education under the painters of Bruno Surdo and Grigor Eftimov. After two years of training, she began studying at the American Academy of Art in Chicago. After returning to Poland, she graduated in Interior Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.

Her works are appreciated and exhibited at many exhibitions, also published in the Abstraction magazine. After six years, the artist returned to the country for a while, breaking with painting. Recently, she returned to painting and speaks the artist's language again.


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Artworks Gallery - Justyna Gajda

Oil, Board, 115 cm x 87 cm
Price $920
Mixed media, Paper, 21 cm x 21 cm
Price $250
Mixed media, Paper, 102 cm x 81 cm
Price $390
Mixed media, Paper, 21 cm x 29 cm
Price $190
change, 2009
Mixed media, Paper, 70 cm x 50 cm
Price $600
Mixed media, Paper, 102 cm x 81 cm
Price $650
Swan lake, 2009
Other, Paper, 102 cm x 81 cm
Price $530

Sales Archive - Justyna Gajda

Ink, Other, Paper, 60 cm x 60 cm
Go blue, 2015
Pastel, Oil, Canvas, 90 cm x 70 cm
Birdy, 2010
Other, Paper, 57 cm x 61 cm
Other, Paper, 70 cm x 50 cm
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