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Karolina Lademann

visibility DISPLAYS: 642

Karolina Anna Lademann is a master of art, a graduate of the Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts (Faculty of Graphics, 2014. She defended her Master's degree in the Graphic Design studio of Prof. Sławek Witkowski and Prof. Adam Świerżewski. The annex to the diploma was created in the Linocut Studio of Prof. Janusz Akermann.

Linocut is her hobby, great passion and meditation. When an artist works on new graphics, she devotes herself to it completely, and the world around her ceases to exist for a moment. It is a very creative and cleansing experience, as she says herself.

The subject that she most often deals with is nature - magical and symbolic, always surprising, as well as man - a shaman, guardian, an integral part of nature. In addition to many collective exhibitions, her works were displayed at the Sheraton Hotel in Sopot, in the Bo Concept showroom in Gdynia, and at the permanent exhibition for patients of the Oncology Hospital in Gdynia.

For two years she has been professionally connected with Warsaw, she lives here and she would also like to transfer her work here.


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Artworks Gallery - Karolina Lademann

Linocut, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $830
Linocut, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $870
Linocut, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $870
Linocut, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $870
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