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Katarzyna Szydłowska

visibility DISPLAYS: 1074

Katarzyna Szydłowska was born in 1969. She graduated from the European Academy of Arts under the supervision of Jerzy Duda Gracz, Antoni Fałat and Franciszek Starowieyski. She has participated in many individual and collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Her paintings are in private collections both in Poland and around the world. She is also a scholarship holder of the Swedish Wannenberg & Wannenberg Foundation.

The artist paints female nudes to a large extent. As she says about his work: "When I paint nudes, I remain in awe of the beauty of the human body, which, among all the manifestations of impermanence, is the most sensitive and only source of all joy, all pain and all truth."


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Sales Archive - Katarzyna Szydłowska

Oil, Canvas, 161 cm x 140 cm
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