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Kinga Zawidlak

visibility DISPLAYS: 112

I was born in 1998. I am self-taught. Drawing and painting have accompanied me throughout my life. Over the years, the hobby turned into a passion. I paint mainly with oil and acrylic paints. I am constantly trying to improve and create my own style. Currently, I focus on presenting women in various arrangements, most often surrounded by nature. In addition, I try to develop my skills by painting landscapes and still lifes. Despite the lack of education in this field, I constantly try to improve my skills by taking various courses. Each of my paintings is, in a sense, an emanation of the soul, created out of the need to perpetuate the omnipresent beauty.


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Artist Artworks on Auction - Kinga Zawidlak

A Sky Cruise, 2025
Oil, Canvas, 100 cm x 100 cm
"Courtly Tales" - Auction at the Potocki Palace in Radzyń Podlaski
1 000 zł
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