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Klaudia Dąbroś

visibility DISPLAYS: 1286

Art and creation are close to her from an early age. She is also very closely associated with the real estate industry and interior design on a daily basis.

In her works she focuses on abstract motifs, simple and elegant, which will add class and originality to the interiors. They will play great both in art deco and minimalist interiors, replacing the other decorations.

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Artworks Gallery - Klaudia Dąbroś

Acrylic, Canvas, 45 cm x 45 cm
Price $740
Acrylic, Canvas, 75 cm x 60 cm
Price $660
Acrylic, Canvas, 45 cm x 75 cm
Price $770
Acrylic, Canvas, 95 cm x 65 cm
Price $900
Navy, 2020
Acrylic, Canvas, 70 cm x 60 cm
Price $770
Acrylic, Canvas, 60 cm x 60 cm
Price $540
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