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Krystian Peć

visibility DISPLAYS: 315

Krystian Peć is a graduate of the Higher School of Art and Design (WSSIP), master of art in the field of interior design. He graduated with honors from the works: Exhibition space stimulating aesthetic and emotional experiences (supervisor prof. Jerzy Derkowski), Abstract form of exhibitions (supervisor mgr in. Arch. Piotr Turkiewicz and prof. Jerzy Derkowski).

Professionally deals with graphic design. Mainly designs packaging design and related advertising activities. He is passionate about creating pictures, currently using the dry pastel technique.

He is fascinated by nature, visual thinking and perception of the world (real and abstract). To create an image, he uses his approach to seeing thanks to the knowledge gained at the university, in practice and during travels (all kinds - distant and those at hand). Photographing nature is helpful in this.


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Artworks Gallery - Krystian Peć

O_R_I_016_, 2020
Pastel, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 650
O_R_I_018_, 2020
Pastel, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 650
O_R_I_020_, 2020
Pastel, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 650
O_R_I_025_, 2020
Pastel, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 650
O_R_I_031_, 2021
Pastel, Paper, 200 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 650
O_R_I_032_, 2021
Pastel, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 650
O_R_I_018_, 2021
Pastel, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 650
O_R_I_035_, 2021
Pastel, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 650
O_R_I_007_, 2020
Pastel, Paper, 70 cm x 50 cm
Price $810

Sales Archive - Krystian Peć

O_R_I_026_, 2020
Pastel, Paper, 60 cm x 50 cm
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