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Lech Grzegorzewski

visibility DISPLAYS: 81


My name is Lech Grzegorzewski, I am a watercolorist with many years of experience. I would like to present you some of my works, in which the most common themes are portrait and landscape. My adventure with watercolor began almost 15 years ago, and I have been a member of the Association of Polish Watercolor Painters for 13 years. Painting with watercolor gives me a lot of joy and satisfaction, in my works I emphasize the realism of the characters, the model's personality and his character. In landscapes, I pay attention to details and bringing out the mood of the place being painted. I have participated in numerous collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad, including: in Slovenia, Italy and Germany. You can find more of my works on my Facebook.

You're welcome!

Contact: +48 607 040 523



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Artworks Gallery - Lech Grzegorzewski

Watercolour, Paper, 45 cm x 67 cm
Price $460
Watercolour, Paper, 57 cm x 40 cm
Price $460
Watercolour, Paper, 72 cm x 52 cm
Price $460
Watercolour, Paper, 52 cm x 72 cm
Price $460
Watercolour, Paper, 72 cm x 52 cm
Price $460

Sales Archive - Lech Grzegorzewski

Watercolour, Paper, 72 cm x 52 cm
Watercolour, Paper, 52 cm x 72 cm
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