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Ludmiła Wrońska

visibility DISPLAYS: 72

Ludmiła Wronska was born in 1962 in Grodno, where she lives and works. After graduating from the University of Fine Arts in Bobruisk, she worked as a painter-designer. Currently, he is engaged in easel painting. In all his works, he places great emphasis on careful attention to detail, colors and the play of light, which creates an unforgettable atmosphere. Her painting is characterized by very good technique, authorship of works and an in-depth look at reality. Her paintings show great artistic sensitivity, unique, sensual and one-of-a-kind perception of the world. Participant of numerous individual exhibitions in Belarus, Poland, Ukraine and Russia.


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Artworks Gallery - Ludmiła Wrońska

Oil, Canvas, 50 cm x 40 cm
Price $360
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