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Magdalena Szata

visibility DISPLAYS: 229

Magdalena Szata - graphic artist and photographer. 

Art gives me opportunity to express myself – this is the language of my emotions, thoughts, and observations. This is the way of meditation, calm down my mind and just go with the flow. It doesn’t need any words, any explanation and could mean different things to different people – filtered through current feelings and experiences.

My great inspiration for artwork is nature and the world around, with its patterns, different shapes, textures and concepts. Through my art I’m searching for diversity, contrasting perspectives and ideas that only seem to be mutually exclusive, but in fact create one coherent and integrated wholeness. Experimenting and combining, sometimes not necessarily obvious elements, in one abstract or surreal form - integrating the real world with the slightly mystical and mysterious one, striving for balance and harmony. 

Currently, I am involved in graphic projects, focusing mainly on linocut technique and creating pen and ink drawings on paper. Those graphic techniques offer great range of artistic possibilities. Working with lines and dots - I build tonal transitions that create contrast and depth, bring the mood and enhance the structure.


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Artworks Gallery - Magdalena Szata

Linocut, Paper, 30 cm x 21 cm
Price $300
Linocut, Paper, 30 cm x 21 cm
Price $300
Giclee, Inkography, Paper, 34 cm x 47 cm
Price $170
Giclee, Inkography, Paper, 34 cm x 47 cm
Price $170
Giclee, Inkography, Paper, 34 cm x 47 cm
Price $170
Giclee, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $130
Lady Black, 2021
Giclee, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $130
Giclee, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $180
Lady Wild, 2021
Giclee, Paper, 50 cm x 40 cm
Price $180
Giclee, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $190

Sales Archive - Magdalena Szata

Giclee, Paper, 50 cm x 40 cm
Giclee, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
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