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Maja Wojnarowska

visibility DISPLAYS: 790

Maja Wojnarowska studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw at the Faculty of Painting and Graphics. She obtained a diploma with honors in the studios of prof. Jerzy Tchórzewski (painting) and prof. Józef Mroszczak (commercial graphics). Additionally, she completed a specialization in the mural painting studio of prof. Jacek Sienicki. After graduation, she worked as a graphic designer at Wydawnictwa Handlu Zagranicznego in Warsaw, and designed illustrations and advertising graphics for many companies. In 1983, she received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and began a three-month study at Ecole Superieure des Arts Decoratifs in Paris. In 1991-2004 she participated in several international painting workshops in Mirabel in France and in Csongrad in Hungary, organized by the city of Darmstadt, in the international open-air at Corsica and at outdoor exhibitions in France, Germany and Hungary. In 2002 and 2013, she represented the city of Płock in contacts with Auxerre in France by taking part in art workshops and exhibitions. She organized international painting workshops in Łąck. She participated in numerous plein-airs in Poland, including in Sandomierz, Łeba, Gostynin, Płock, and several dozen group exhibitions. She presented her paintings at several individual exhibitions in Poland and abroad. She is the author of frescoes, incl. in the children's hospital in Bouillon near Paris and decorations in the Kuyavian style in the Baruchowo commune. In painting, she takes up animalistic themes, mainly horses and broadly understood nature - flowers, plants, trees.


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Artworks Gallery - Maja Wojnarowska

Two horses, 2020
Acrylic, Canvas, 70 cm x 70 cm
Price $580
Acrylic, Canvas, 80 cm x 80 cm
Price $610
Acrylic, Canvas, 80 cm x 80 cm
Price $690

Sales Archive - Maja Wojnarowska

Pastel, Paper, 100 cm x 70 cm
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