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Marek Moderau

visibility DISPLAYS: 32

Marek Moderau was born in 1953. In 1973, he graduated from the State High School of Fine Arts in Kielce, specializing in sculpture. In 1982, he obtained a master's degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, in the sculpture studio of Barbara Bieniulis-Strynkiewicz. He also received a diploma from the Faculty of Fine Arts at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, in the sculpture studio of Professor Barbara Bieniulis-Strynkiewicz. Since 1984, Marek Moderau has been a member of the KERAMOS Association in Warsaw.

As an artist, Moderau creates sculptures in ceramic material, stone, glass, thermoplastic materials, and metal casting. He is the author of, among others, the monument to the victims of the Smolensk air disaster at the Military Cemetery in Powązki, Warsaw.


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Artworks Gallery - Marek Moderau

Dual, 2006
Stone, 154 cm x 52 cm
Price $5 780
Metal, 284 cm x 60 cm
Price $3 660

Sales Archive - Marek Moderau

Stone, 155 cm x 75 cm
Big black, 2023
Stone, 112 cm x 76 cm
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