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Marek Włodarski (Henryk Streng)

visibility DISPLAYS: 788

Marek Włodarski was born in 1903 in Lviv, died in 1960 in Warsaw. A graduate of the Free Academy of Fine Arts and the State Industrial School (Kazimierz Sichulski's studio) in Lviv, and then, under the supervision of Fernand Léger, he studied at the Académie Moderne in Paris. He was inspired by folk and provincial art, amusement parks and fair aesthetics. In his depictions of human figures, the motif of a mannequin appears frequently. In 1930 he became a member of the ARTES artistic group (among others: Otto Hahn, Jerzy Janisch, Aleksander Krzywobłocki, Mieczysław Wysocki, Ludwik Lille. After the war, he lectured at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He was active in the Young Artists and Scientists Club, participation in the Exhibition of Modern Art in Krakow in 1948. His works from the post-war period draw on French and Italian lyrical abstraction.


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