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Marian Bogusz

visibility DISPLAYS: 831

Marian Bogusz was born on March 25, 1920 in Pleszew, died in 1980 in Warsaw. He was an artist (he dealt with painting, drawing, sculpture and set design) and a cultural animator.

During the war, the artist was sent to the concentration camp in Mauthausen.

After the Second World War, he started studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, majoring in Painting, in the studio of Jan Cybis and Jan Sokołowski. First, he created abstract compositions. At the end of 1954, together with other artists, he founded Grupa 55. In the following year, he co-organized the Krzywe Koło contemporary art gallery at the Crooked Circle Club in Warsaw. It was the time of figurative painting in his work.

In the sixties of the twentieth century, he dealt with matter painting, focusing on purely plastic values, he was primarily interested in texture and color. At that time, together with Jerzy Fedorowicz, he initiated the 1st Koszaliński Plein-air in Osieki, he also co-organized the 1st Biennial of Spatial Forms in Elbląg and the Lublin Art Meetings.

A large part of Marian Bogusz's output is in the Regional Museum in Pleszew.


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