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Michał Kwarciak

visibility DISPLAYS: 64

Michał Kwarciak was born in 1983. A graduate of the Opus Art Post-Secondary Vocational School in Sosnowiec and the Jan Długosz Academy in Częstochowa. In his paintings, Michał Kwarciak shows his own world on the border between reality and dream, from pure realism to surreal fantasy. His works capture fleeting moments of dream apparitions, visions from the world of dreams, but also real everyday experiences. He uses observations of the world of people, plants and animals around him. His artistic visions lead him to create new and more sublime paintings. Participant of several open-air painting events in Poland and abroad. He presented his painting works at several dozen collective and several individual exhibitions.


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Artworks Gallery - Michał Kwarciak

Oil, Canvas, 50 cm x 60 cm
Price $1 170
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