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Misia Łukasiewicz

visibility DISPLAYS: 1953

Misia Łukasiewicz was born in 1989. She is a student of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw at the Faculty of Sculpture. She is also a graduate of Art History at the University of Warsaw. Apart from working on sculpture, her main passion is painting. The paintings of Misi Łukasiewicz are created outdoors, which allows the artist to return to tradition and emphasize the connection with nature. Her paintings are in private collections in Poland and abroad.

In 2012, she completed a six-month scholarship abroad at the Accademia di Belle Arte in Palermo. She is a member and co-founder of the Chochoły Independent Sculpture Group.

Her works took part in collective exhibitions:
- "Interventions" in Palermo,
- "The First Masovian Painting Festival" Warsaw,
- sculpture exhibition at the Saska Kępa Culture Club, Warsaw,
- "Self-portraits" Szczytno.

Misia Łukasiewicz is an organizer and participant of international plein-airs (Polish-Lithuanian conceptual plein-air 2013, painting plein-air Palermo 2012, drawing plein-air Paris 2014, Greece 2015).


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Sales Archive - Misia Łukasiewicz

500+, 2016
Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 100 cm
Last way, 2016
Oil, Canvas, 100 cm x 80 cm
Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 100 cm
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