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Natalia Bażowska

visibility DISPLAYS: 0

The artist was born in 1980. She studied at the Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. She is also a doctor of psychiatry. She paints, he also deals with photography, installations, video and artistic objects.

Selected solo exhibitions:
2016 - "External Memory", Blanca Soto Gallery, Madrid, Spain -
2015 - "Leże", Zachęta Project Room, Zachęta - National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
2014 - "Comfort Zone", Krakow, Galeria m², as part of "Andels presents", "Open Space", Culture Center, Katowice, "ID", m² Gallery, Warsaw
2013 - "All life under stress", Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow
2012 - "Family", CCA Kronika, Bytom
2011 - "Room to talk with animals", Rondo Sztuki, Katowice

Selected group exhibitions:
2017 - "simultaneous events", Center for Contemporary Art Toruń, "His white feathers, illuminated by the sun, shone like the sun itself", Henryk Gallery, Krakow, "Phoenix Syndrome", Galeria Szara, Katowice
2016 - "Second Leather", Gdańsk City Gallery, Gdańsk
2015 - "What's hidden - current art from Silesia", Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot
2014 - Youth Art Triennial, Center of Polish Sculpture, Orońsko
2013 - Biennale of Painting "Bielska Jesień", BWA Bielsko-Biała
2011 - "Grenzgänger", Marke.6, Neuen Museum, Weimar, Germany
2010 - "Replikantki", BWA Katowice


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