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Paweł Napierała

visibility DISPLAYS: 1185

He was born in 1983. in Opalenica. He is studying full-time doctoral studies at the Faculty of Painting and Drawing at the University of Arts in Poznań. He graduated in art history at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and a conservation course at the Academy of Visual Arts in Poznań. From 2008. works as a senior restorer at the Painting and Polychrome Wooden Sculpture Conservation Studio of the National Museum in Poznań. In 2015-2016, he was the vice-president, and in 2016-2018 the president of the Poznań District of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers. From 2017. is a member of the International Association of Art IAA / AIAP - UNESCO EXHIBITIONS: INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS - PORTA ROMANTICA, Collegium Maius, Poznań, 2010 - PAWEŁ NAPIERAŁA - PAINTING, Museum in Międzyrzecz, 2014 - VIEWS - Archaeological Museum in Poznań - Genius Archaeological Reserve Loci. Exhibition under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of Poznań, 2014/2015 - VIEWS - Lindenau Gallery in Gdańsk. Exhibition under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of Gdańsk, 2015 - NATIVUS - Galeria u Jezuitów in Poznań, 2016 - DECALOGUS - Nova Gazownia, Czapski Art Foundation in Poznań, 2016 - Coffin PORTRAIT - church space oo. Jesuitów w Poznaniu, 2017 - RETABULUM - Rotunda Gallery, University of Arts in Poznań, 2017 - ACCEPTATIO / MEETING, installation on the Paschal Triduum in the church of oo. Jesuits in Poznań, 2017 - Coffin PORTRAIT - Museum in Międzyrzecz, 2017 - Coffin PORTRAIT - National Museum in Poznań, 2017 - OFFICIUM - V.A. Gallery in Poznań, 2017 - ORBIS TERRARUM / LANDSCAPE - Curators'LAB Gallery, University of Arts in Poznań, 2018 - ORBIS TERRARUM / LANDSCAPE - University of Economics in Poznań, CEUE building, 2018 COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS - 7th International Biennale of Miniatures, Center for the Promotion of Culture Gaude Mater Częstochowa and post-competition exhibitions: Test Gallery - Warsaw, Stanisław Staszic Museum - Piła, BWA - Tarnów, Epicentrum Gallery - Chełmek, Art Gallery. Jana Tarasina - Kalisz, Nowa Huta Cultural Center - Krakow, Galerie Brötzinger Art - Pforzheim Germany, 2012 - TRACE OF EXISTENCE - 5th Art Biennale of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers, Galeria Profil CK Zamek Poznań, 2012 - TRACES, with Piotr C. Kowalski and Ludomir Jan Gałdowski, Collegiate -Art, Poznań, 2013 - 4 International Quadro-Art Picture Biennial in Łódź, 2014 - SEE - VI Biennial of Art ZPAP, Galeria Profil CK Zamek Poznań, 2014 - 10th Charity Auction "Seed of Art - Garden of Hope", pre-auction exhibition of the Stock Exchange Center in Warsaw, auction of the National Museum in Warsaw, 2015 -XI Charity Auction "The Seed of Art - Garden of Hope", pre-auction exhibition and auction of the National Museum in Warsaw, 2016 - IDENTIFICATION - VII Biennale of Art, Profile Gallery in Poznań, 2016 - INTER-Przestrzenie - Joanna Imielska / Sonia Rammer / Rafał Boettner-Łubowski / Paweł Napierała as well as students and graduates of the 1st Drawing Studio and the Open Art Interpretation Studio of the Faculty of Art Education of the University of Arts in Poznań, Galeria u Jesuitów in Poznań, 2017 - re_form OSTRALE - Dresden, 2017 - XIII Charity Auction "Grain of Art", pre-auction exhibition and auction National Museum in Warsaw, 2017 - ART NOW, National Museum in Krakow, 2018 - MIGRATIONS - Arena-Center in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 2018 - 85-CONTINUATION, VIII Biennale of Art, Galeria Profil CK Zamek Poznań, 2018 - GLOW CHRISTIANITATIS, Archaeological Museum in Poznań - Genius Loci Archaeological Reserve, 2018 - Exhibition of the finalists of the Eibisch Prize Competition awarded by the Foundation Franciszki Eibsch, Katarzyna Napiórkowska's Art Gallery in Warsaw, 2018


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