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Przemysław Korczyński

visibility DISPLAYS: 13

Przemysław Korczyński, was born in 1974 in Kraków. He emigrated to South Africa in the early 1980s. From the time he was in his twenties, he painted African-themed realism, focusing on portraits and wildlife in dry pastels. In his thirties, he became involved in creating illustrations for the computer games industry. Upon his return to Poland, he decided to delve into figurative expressionism. Inspired by his career in digital art, he changed direction to explore more expressionist and imaginative subjects, moving away from reference-based works. He now focuses on lines and their dynamic movement and emotion. After years of exploring the outside world, he aims to explore his inner mindscape.


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Artworks Gallery - Przemysław Korczyński

Acrylic, Canvas, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $390
Acrylic, Canvas, 40 cm x 40 cm
Price $390
Acrylic, Canvas, 30 cm x 30 cm
Price $210
Acrylic, Canvas, 70 cm x 50 cm
Price $440
Pastel, Paper, 33 cm x 25 cm
Price $210
Pastel, Paper, 65 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 040
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 65 cm
Price $1 040
Pastel, Paper, 43 cm x 65 cm
Price $1 040
Pastel, Paper, 62 cm x 47 cm
Price $1 040
Pastel, Paper, 65 cm x 45 cm
Price $1 040
Pastel, Paper, 62 cm x 47 cm
Price $1 040
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