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Radosław Szlaga

visibility DISPLAYS: 695

Radosław Szlaga (born 1979 in Gliwice) - Polish painter, graphic artist, draftsman, creator of installations. He lectured at the University of Arts in Poznań. The artist also uses a diminutive form of his name - Radek or RDK.

He studied at the Pedagogical University in Zielona Góra (2000). In 2004 he was on a semester scholarship at Akademie výtvarných umění v Prague (AVU). In 2000-2005 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. He obtained a diploma with honors in the painting studio of prof. Jerzy Kałucki. Winner of the Artistic Award of the City of Poznań in 2007. In the same year he was a co-founder of the artistic group Penerstwo. He is the creator of the "Judgment Day" wall newspaper at the Arsenal in Poznań.


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