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Siergiej Rimaszewski

visibility DISPLAYS: 268

He was born in 1964. In 1980-84 he studied at the Art College. A.K. Glebov in Minsk. In 1986-1991 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Minsk (department of monumental and decorative painting). In 1991-93 he created frescoes in churches in Poland. From 1996, a member of the Belarusian Artists' Union. His works are in the collections of the National Art Museum of Belarus, the Museum of Contemporary Art, as well as in private collections in Belarus, Poland, Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the USA.


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Artworks Gallery - Siergiej Rimaszewski

Carmen, 2018
Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 70 cm
Price $8 400
Lark 2, 2018
Oil, Canvas, 70 cm x 70 cm
Price $7 350
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