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Sławomir Gębczyński

visibility DISPLAYS: 755

Sławomir Mściwoj Łukasz Gębczyński was born on January 7, 1984 in Szczecin. In the years 2010-15 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, in the painting studio of Professor Jarosław Modzelewski.

As a student, he debuted in May 2015 during the Diploma Exhibition at the Studio Gallery, at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw and at the Best Diplomas Exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. In 2015, he was employed as a debuting assistant at the Painting Department of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts in the Drawing Studio of the 1st year

Since 2016, he has been a member of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers in the Warsaw district. He is the restaurateur of the networked Chłopskie Jadło restaurant.


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Artworks Gallery - Sławomir Gębczyński

Acrylic, Canvas, 120 cm x 80 cm
Price $1 090
Acrylic, Canvas, 120 cm x 80 cm
Price $1 090
Acrylic, Canvas, 120 cm x 80 cm
Price $1 090
Acrylic, Canvas, 120 cm x 80 cm
Price $1 090
Justysia, 2020
Acrylic, Canvas, 120 cm x 80 cm
Price $1 090
Acrylic, Canvas, 120 cm x 80 cm
Price $1 090
Acrylic, Canvas, 120 cm x 80 cm
Price $1 090

Sales Archive - Sławomir Gębczyński

Acrylic, Canvas, 120 cm x 80 cm
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