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Sławomir Szereda

visibility DISPLAYS: 521

Sławomir Szereda born in 1956 Graduate of the State Higher School of Fine Arts in Łódź (currently the Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts) Graduated in 1982 at the Department of Graphics and Painting in the studios of professors Leszek Rózga and Stanisław Fijałkowski. Individual exhibitions: In Blabco Gallery - Łódź, POS Gallery - Łódź, Mil ART Gallery - Poznań, Bistro Vechta Gallery - Germany, Le Nouvelle Gallery - Schwahbach - Germany, Am Theater Gallery - Furth - Germany. Group exhibitions: Łódź, Malbork, Poznań, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Kronberg, Stockholm, Toronto, Munchengladbach, Wildeshausen. Works in private collections in Poland and abroad. Sławomir Szereda is one of the most recognized artists presenting the image of a horse in their work. Horses are his lifelong passion, and his keen observation and many years of research on the subject are combined with his practice of horse riding.


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Artworks Gallery - Sławomir Szereda

Lawinia, 2021
Pencil, Paper, 48 cm x 68 cm
Price $1 780
Etching, Paper, 15 cm x 11 cm
Price $390
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