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Wacław Sporski

visibility DISPLAYS: 5003
Born in 1960 in Belarus. Graduated from the A.K. Glebow State School of Arts in Minsk. He has become well-known and has started to display his works in Belarus and abroad since 1983. He has taken part in many exhibitions in Belarus, Poland, Holland and even Japan. His works can be found in collections in Belarus and abroad. He is a member of The Polish Artists Association at the Union of Poles in Belarus. According to the artist ‘creativity is a shocking spiritual practice’ and the most important in the process of creation (and also in general) is a path – as an aim of life, it is a path that leads to oneself. ‘Because every person is a universe of indefinitely unconscious levels of understanding so, as the surrounding us world, creativity cannot be an absolute or objective term. (…) When a man has contact with a genuine creative process begins to understand that it is not a one-way path, that a lot of threats go in different directions from the middle of it.’


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Artworks Gallery - Wacław Sporski

Oil, Canvas, 50 cm x 75 cm
Price $1 830
Venice, 2021
Oil, Canvas, 40 cm x 40 cm
Price $1 710
Oil, Canvas, 50 cm x 100 cm
Price $3 010
Oil, Canvas, 30 cm x 50 cm
Price $780
Oil, Canvas, 75 cm x 120 cm
Price $3 940
Beginning, 2018
Oil, Canvas, 35 cm x 47 cm
Price $1 360
Oil, Canvas, 40 cm x 50 cm
Price $970
Oil, Canvas, 55 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 370
Oil, Canvas, 60 cm x 80 cm
Price $1 660
Invariably, 2008
Oil, Canvas, 90 cm x 118 cm
Price $2 210
Oil, Canvas, 78 cm x 88 cm
Price $1 970

Sales Archive - Wacław Sporski

Gold key, 2021
Oil, Canvas, 50 cm x 60 cm
Chase, 2015
Oil, Canvas, 70 cm x 100 cm
Oil, Canvas, 30 cm x 25 cm
Oil, Canvas, 60 cm x 40 cm
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