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Wojciech Cieśniewski

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Wojciech Cieśniewski was born on March 27, 1958 in Działdowo. He is a Polish painter and full professor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.

He graduated from the Higher Pedagogical School in Olsztyn, where in 1984 he obtained a master's degree in mathematics. From 1983 he studied in Rajmund Ziemski's studio at the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, where in 1988 he obtained a diploma with honors. He has been an employee of this university since 1990; In the years 2005–2012 he served as deputy dean of the Faculty of Painting.

For the first twenty years, Wojciech Cieśniewski worked primarily in the field of abstraction. In the following years, he returned to figurative painting to enter into a dialogue with the tradition of European modern painting. Over time, he increasingly began to touch on ethical issues, examining the function of art as a carrier of goodness and beauty in human life.

Wojciech Cieśniewski had over 130 individual and collective exhibitions. A major artistic event was the retrospective exhibition at the Gutenberg Museum in Fribourg (2009).


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Artworks Gallery - Wojciech Cieśniewski

Help, 2006
Oil, Canvas, 55 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 000
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