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Zbigniew Kotowski

visibility DISPLAYS: 606

Polish artist, born on 5th November 1959 in Chrzow, Poland.

1979-1984- Study programme at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and Cracow.

1984- Completed course of studies. (diploma supervisor : Professor Jerzy Nowosielski).

Special interest field : prortraiture of people. horses, dogs and other animals (pastels and oils).

His paintings are part of the collection of the Museum of Hunting and Equestrian Sports in the Lazienki Royal Park, Warsaw, and numerous private collections throught Europe, USA, South Africa, Australia and the Middle East.

Individual exhibitions:

Arabian Horse Days, Janow Podlaski 2024

Horses, IV Cracow Arabian Horse Show & Sale, Cracow (Poland) 2019

Horses and flowers, Do widzenia do jutra, Warsaw (Poland) 2018

Horses, Anniversary of 200 years of Janow Podlaski Stud, Janow Podlaski (Poland) 2017 

Horses, I and II Cracow Arabian Horse Show & Sale, Cracow (Poland) 2016, 2017

Horses, VIII Automne Arabian Horses Show, Janow Podlaski (Poland) 2014

TAB Gallery, Warsaw (Poland) 2012

Piotr Uznanski Gallery Lodz (Poland) 2010

Racecourse Słuzewiec,(POLAND), 2002, 2003, 2004

“Flowers”, Lindengalerie, Essen (Germany) 2000

“Flowers don`t lie”, Lindengalerie, Essen (Germany) 1999

“Ashes”, BWA, Szczawnica (Poland)1988

“Fragments”, Galeria Plus, Chorzow (Poland)1986

International and national group exhibitions:

Pride of Poland, JanowPodlaski (Poland) 1988 – 2022

Gallery Belotto, In the footsteps of horseshoes, Warsaw (Poland) 2019 

Equestrian Art Festival, Warsaw (Poland) 2018 

Salon d’Automne , Paris ( France) 2016

ArAnima Exhibition, Jeux Equestres Mondiaux, Caen (France) 2014

“The horse as it is”, BWA Tarnow (Poland) 2003

HippicaVarsovia, (POLAND), 2001, 2002, 2003

“Horses and the Polish spirit”, TPSP Warsaw (Poland) 2002

Equitana, Essen (Germany) 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997

Young Artists from Poland, GalerieGojowy, Krefeld (Germany) 1993

National Exhibition of Polish Pastels, NowySacz (Poland) 1991

Hippologica, Berlin (Germany) 1991

Art Munich, GalerieGojowy, Munich (Germany) 1990

Festival Polonaise, Chicago (USA) 1989

PolnischeKulturtage, Herten (Germany) 1988

Arsenal, Warsaw (Poland) 1988

Winter Salon, Radom (Poland) 1986

National Exhibition of Young Painters, Wroclaw (Poland) 1985


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Artworks Gallery - Zbigniew Kotowski

Wildon, 2023
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
Pistoria, 2024
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
Mrs.entent, 2024
Pastel, Paper, 40 cm x 30 cm
Price $780
Palmira, 2020
Pastel, Paper, 35 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 170
Palanga, 2022
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
Pastel, Paper, 60 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 420
Gondolier, 2023
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 170
Galilee, 2023
Pastel, Paper, 35 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 040
Favorite, 2024
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
Eucalyptus, 2020
Pastel, Paper, 35 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 040
Enclave, 2024
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
Engano, 2024
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
Emmon, 2023
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 70 cm
Price $1 550
Emir, 2023
Pastel, Paper, 35 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 040
Emigrant, 2022
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
Emigrant, 2023
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
Emanda, 2022
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
Emanation, 2023
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
El Esmera, 2023
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
El Dorada, 2022
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 170
Candela, 2023
Pastel, Paper, 35 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 170
Arra, 2024
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
Alsa, 2022
Pastel, Paper, 35 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 040
Adelita, 2023
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 35 cm
Price $1 040
Pastel, Paper, 30 cm x 40 cm
Price $790

Sales Archive - Zbigniew Kotowski

WH York, 2015
Pastel, Paper, 50 cm x 70 cm
Oil, Canvas, 65 cm x 73 cm
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