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Zbigniew Makowski

visibility DISPLAYS: 682

Zbigniew Makowski was born on January 31, 1930 in Warsaw, where he died on August 19, 2019. The artist was not only involved in painting and drawing, but also wrote poetry. He was also known for his hand-made books. In 1950-1956 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Then he went to Paris, where he got to know the surrealists' milieu and it was this trend that became close to him in his works.

His precise paintings are full of symbols. The artist combined various letters and numbers into complex, geometric forms or simplified objects. Makowski was interested in Kabbalah, magical phenomena and philosophy. His works constitute a kind of rebus for the viewers, a mathematical composition that affects the imagination.

Makowski's works are in, among others in the collections of Kunsthalle in Düsseldorf, Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Museum of Modern Art in Miami, Museum of Modern Art in New York, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris - Galerie Jeanne Bucher in Paris, Museu de Arte Moderna in Rio de Janeiro, Boymans van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam, as well as in museums and galleries in Poland and in private collections.


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Artworks Gallery - Zbigniew Makowski

Ink, Watercolour, Mixed media, Paper, 26 cm x 18 cm
Price $780
Oil, Paper, 29.7 cm x 42 cm
Price $3 140
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