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Zdzisław Lachur

visibility DISPLAYS: 668

Zdzisław Lachur lived from 1920 to 2007. In the years 1945–1950 he studied painting and graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. He was a student of prof. Eugeniusz Eibisch.

The artist's works were presented at collective and individual exhibitions in Poland and abroad, including in Jerusalem, London, New York, Stuttgart, Paris, Vancouver and Toronto. Lachur's paintings were in their collections, among others, George Harrison, former US first lady Jacqueline Kennedy and singer Barbra Streisand.

In recognition of his achievements in painting and graphics, in 1961 he received the Award of the Minister of Culture and Art for lifetime achievement, and in 1979 he was honored with the medal of the Israeli Yad Vashem Institute in recognition of his work dedicated to the Jewish nation.

He was the founder of the first Polish cartoon film studio, Studio Filmów Rysunkowych in Bielsko-Biała.


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