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Świąteczny Salon Nowej Sztuki - 11-12 grudnia 2021 - Dworek Sierakowskich, ul. J. Czyżewskiego 12, Sopot

Exhibition of works by Grzegorz Klimek and Piotr Butkiewicz

December 5, 2023, to January 4, 2024

Admission to the exhibition is free daily from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Olympic Center, Gallery -1, 4 Wybrzeże Gdyńskie Street, Warsaw

Exhibition of works by Grzegorz Klimek and Piotr Butkiewicz

Forms, techniques, materials, colors, and compositions – in art, diverse components interpenetrate, selected elements, and ideas create specific sequences or, on the contrary, break all rules, but each time they surprise with a completely newly created, coherent whole. The phenomenon of mutual influence is known in various fields of science. In physics, it is called "Interference," and this term was used to name the presentation of the work of two artists: sculptor Piotr Butkiewicz and painter Grzegorz Klimek. The exhibition "Interference" will be available from December 5, 2023, in Gallery (-1) located at the Olympic Center (4 Wybrzeże Gdyńskie Street, Warsaw). The artists work side by side every day; their studios are adjacent, but their creativity seems to develop in diametrically different areas and directions. Can you find common points connecting the sculptures of Piotr Butkiewicz with the paintings of Grzegorz Klimek? Perhaps there is no need to search for a common denominator at all. You just need to see and feel how the fields of art interact with each other, interpenetrate, and at the same time complement each other.

Wood, 80 cm x 70 cm
Price $6 560
Wood, 80 cm x 28 cm
Price $2 100
Metal, Wood, 120 cm x 60 cm
Price $6 560
Wood, 102 cm x 35 cm
Price $3 940
Stone, Wood, 140 cm x 23 cm
Price $4 200
Metal, Wood, 170 cm x 33 cm
Price $4 710
KK, 2023
Acrylic, Oil, Other, Canvas, 80 cm x 100 cm
Price $2 880
Zoe, 2023
Oil, Acrylic, Other, Canvas, 100 cm x 70 cm
Price $3 140
Acrylic, Other, Oil, Canvas, 100 cm x 100 cm
Price $2 490
Metal, Wood, 60 cm x 15 cm
Price $2 360
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