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Katsiaryna Sumarava biogram

Jezioro., 2023

Oil, Canvas
100 cm x 70 cm

Paintings, Abstract, Landscape, Abstract

$1 860
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« My painting is emotions melted down and poured across the canvas. »

Katsiaryna Sumarava is an artist based in Belarus whose paintings have been exhibited nationally, as well as in Japan, Lithuania, Armenia, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, China, and Spain…Describing her artisitc practice as being based in the processing of reality and the immersion in her own subconscious, her works are reflections on her emotional states and often based on events, relationships, memories, and dreams.

Artworks by artist - Katsiaryna Sumarava
Oil, Canvas, 50 cm x 60 cm
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Gravity , 2022
Oil, Canvas, 70 cm x 100 cm
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Legend, 2022
Oil, Canvas, 50 cm x 60 cm
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Gravity , 2021
Oil, Canvas, 70 cm x 100 cm
Price $1 810
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