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Izabela Dąbrowska

visibility DISPLAYS: 401

Izabela Dąbrowska - born in 1987 in Blachownia, a town near Częstochowa. She has been living and working in Wrocław since 2007. In 2012, she graduated in German philology with a specialization in cultural studies at the University of Wrocław. However, communing with culture was still not enough of it. The passion and willingness to express herself through her beloved art pushed Izabela into the next Alma Mater - this time at the Academy of Fine Arts. Eugeniusz Geppert in Wrocław, where she completed post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Painting and Sculpture in the studio of professor Leszek Mickoś. In 2017, with her friends, she founded an artistic collective composed of graduates of the Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts - the Hidden Group, of which she is an active member to this day. The main theme of her work are female nudes, natural and situational motifs, where she likes to combine geometric shapes with figurative figures of people and animals. Technically, her painting is characterized by vivid and bold colors, and her favorite technique is acrylic on canvas.


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Artworks Gallery - Izabela Dąbrowska

Acrylic, Canvas, 20 cm x 30 cm
Price $140
Acrylic, Canvas, 30 cm x 20 cm
Price $140
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