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Jan Kucz

visibility DISPLAYS: 743

Jan Kucz was born on June 10, 1936 in Zarzecze, died on September 14, 2021. He was known as a sculptor and lecturer. He graduated from the Secondary School of Art Technique in Bielsko-Biała, and then the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. He represented Poland at the Venice Biennale in 1982, and in the years 1992-2002 he was a member of the artistic council of the Center of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko.

In his work, Kucz often mixed various techniques. The materials that he mainly used in his work are: ceramics, fabric, paper, tar stone and asphalt. The artist is the author of numerous monuments, incl. Ludwik Zamenhof in Białystok, Jan Kochanowski in Radom, Fryderyk Chopin in Wrocław and Gustaw Holubek at the Polish Theater in Warsaw.

The artist has won numerous awards and distinctions for both creative and pedagogical activities. He was awarded Grand Prix at the Biennale of Sacred Art in Częstochowa for lifetime achievement and the award of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.


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Artworks Gallery - Jan Kucz

Bronze, 56 cm x 49 cm
Price $18 370
Pottery, 23 cm x 22 cm
Price $2 750
Pottery, 28 cm x 16 cm
Price $3 400
Pottery, 30 cm x 22 cm
Price $4 200
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