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Julia Stachowska

visibility DISPLAYS: 911

Julia Stachowska is a sculptor and graphics artist born in 1997. She graduated Art History at the University of Lodz and Art Academy in Łódź. She specializes mainly in abstract stone sculpture and workshop graphics. The works she creates in stone are meant to be an affirmation of the shape and beauty of the material. The artist tries to utilize the natural color, texture, and characteristic features of the material. The process of working in stone is very important to her, she sees sculpting as contemplation, a unique activity, a search for hidden meanings. Julia Stachowska's sculptures are often minimalist, which makes them perfectly suited for modern spaces. The artist collaborates with many well-known interior designers, her sculptures can be found in spaces throughout Europe.


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Artworks Gallery - Julia Stachowska

Stone, 50 cm x 30 cm
Price $5 120
Stone, 54 cm x 35 cm
Price $3 860
Champignon, 2021
Stone, 29 cm x 26 cm
Price $1 830
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