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Krzysztof Pająk

visibility DISPLAYS: 3844

Krzysztof Pająk was born on March 18, 1956 in Warsaw. He graduated from the Faculty of Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw; diploma with distinction obtained in the graphic design studio of prof. Roman Duszek and in the painting studios of prof. Jan Dziedziory and prof. Jacek Sempoliński (2004).

His "artistic primer" became lectures by prof. Lech Tomaszewski (1926-1982) for students of the Warsaw Academy devoted to the basics of design, issues of the diversity of forms and structures, and an essay by Wassily Kandinsky 'Point and line and plane. A contribution to the analysis of painting elements. "

He is a co-creator of the visual communication project for the Hospital of the Polish Mother's Health Center in Łódź, scholarship holder of the Ministry of Culture and Art (1985), winner of the Talens Award (2005), winner of one of the three main awards of the 1st Warsaw Festival of Art Photography, WFFA'05 (2005). author of over 45 individual exhibitions, including in Elbląg, Warsaw, Włocławek, Cologne, Munchengladbach and participant in over 300 collective exhibitions.

Selected group exhibitions:
MUBA '87, Basel (1987);
"Arsenał 88", Hala Gwardii, Warsaw (1988);
'Image and movement' - Museum of Cinematography, Łódź (1991);
Foundation Laigle Roermond - The Netherlands (1992);
Together in Life and Art - Polish Institute, Paris (1999);
"Millennium Breakthrough Syndrome" - DAP Gallery, Warsaw (2000);
"Walking Art Tour" - Hotel Victoria, Warsaw (2005);
Beijing International Art Biennale - China (2005);
"Time certificates" - Polish Institute, Berlin (2005);
"In the Face of Evil" Sacrum Art Triennial 2006:
Municipal Art Gallery, Częstochowa (2006);
Kunstmassan Art Fair 07 - Stockholm, Sweden (2007);
"Poland today. Between Tradition and Modernity, Road to the Union ... "(photo exhibition) - European Parliament, Strasbourg (2011);
"Feast at Masters", Society of Friends of Fine Arts, Kraków (2012);
XI Collector's Photography Auction, Center for Contemporary Art, Warsaw (2013);
"Through each other’s eyse" Polish-Thai show Mal, Warsaw DAP ZPAP Warsaw (2013);
Exhibition of black light painting, Genoa (2015).

The artist participates in 70 charity auctions, including The Big Heart Association, the Sue Ryder Foundation, the Nobody's Children Foundation, and the Garden of Hope Foundation. His works are in private collections in the country and abroad (France, Holland, Japan, Germany, USA, Great Britain). Lives in Warsaw. The works of Krzysztof Pajak are in private collections in the country and abroad (including the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Japan, Korea, Australia)

"Krzysztof Pajak's painting attracts with captivating colors, unrestrained spontaneity, unlimited palette of colors. His theme is not only fantastic, futuristic cities, but also cosmic landscapes, coral reefs, ritual totems, people and animals during ritual games and dances. The artist looks carefully at he is inspired by biblical and mythological stories, rock paintings of the original inhabitants of Europe, Africa, Australia and Oceania, the art of ancient Egypt and the present - this ordinary, everyday and this unusual, mysterious, difficult to interpret. It combines abstract forms with organic shapes and geometric, various threads and motifs. It creates fascinating collections of signs and symbols. Art is for me ordering the chaos of the world around us - the artist confesses. Under what is considered superficial decorativeness, I would like to reveal the other bottom - noble simplicity and harmony. "
Jerzy Brukwicki For many years curator and head of the "Gallery Critics Show"


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Artworks Gallery - Krzysztof Pająk

DNA codes, 2019
Mixed media, Canvas, 74 cm x 76 cm
Price $2 090
Oil, Canvas, 114 cm x 146 cm
Price $4 450
Mixed media, Canvas, 146 cm x 114 cm
Price $4 450
Oil, Canvas, 114 cm x 146 cm
Price $4 450
Mixed media, Acrylic, Oil, Canvas, 114 cm x 146 cm
Price $4 450
Oil, Canvas, 100 cm x 81 cm
Price $2 100
Oil, Canvas, 114 cm x 130 cm
Price $4 710
DNA codes, 2019
28 cm x 38 cm
Price $200

Sales Archive - Krzysztof Pająk

Oil, Canvas, 114 cm x 146 cm
Acrylic, Canvas, 114 cm x 146 cm
Oil, Canvas, 114 cm x 146 cm
Oil, Canvas, 74 cm x 76 cm
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