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Marcin Mikołajczak

visibility DISPLAYS: 118

Marcin Mikołaczak was born in 1975. He is an avid traveler, photographer and artist of many talents. He studied at the Academy of Visual Arts in Poznan.

He began his adventure with painting by creating realistic London graphics. Living in England and observing the life of a big city from the inside, he brilliantly showed the image of centuries-old monuments woven into the pace of everyday life.

A very important stage in the professional biography of Marcin Mikołajczak is the creation of original picture frames commissioned by galleries, museums and for the needs of individual collectors. Design and construction of a series of unique furniture for the Stary Browar shopping and art center in Poznań as well as interior decoration for the use of the Blow Up boutique hotel. The unusual capturing of the character, its stopping in movement and the vivid colors of the works encouraged the owners of the Wittchen company to entrust Marcin Mikołajczak with painting a series of images of models presenting factory products.

Experience in conservation works and numerous artistic experiments have led to the creation of his own unique painting technique, which the author uses at the current stage of painting subsequent works. A clear texture, specific layering of paint and unusual use of color and light, as well as fascination with man, his emotions are the trademark of Marcin Mikołajczak's paintings, not to be confused with another artist.

He willingly travels to exotic countries in search of colors and impressions, in particular to Asia and Africa where he reaches places far from civilization and immortalizes moving and unusual images with a camera, then transferring them to the canvas with the sensitivity that is right for him.


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Sales Archive - Marcin Mikołajczak

Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 80 cm
Mixed media, Oil, Canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm
Wind, 2021
Mixed media, Oil, Canvas, 120 cm x 80 cm
Dancer, 2012
Oil, Canvas, 80 cm x 80 cm
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