Maria Matras
I am a first-year student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. I am inspired by Pre-Raphaelite and Impressionist paintings, symbolism and plants. My dream is wall painting, frescoes and murals. Currently, I am focusing on large and large format painting. In order to polish my skills, I paint copies of my Masters. I put my whole heart into each copy I make and add my own element to it, an often unnoticeable detail that changes the meaning of the work to show my own personalized interpretation of the image. If I could make a comparison, each copy is only a faithful copy until an additional mustache is added to, for example, a weasel (referring to the film "Vinci" by Juliusz Machulski). Of course, apart from that, I paint all kinds of things, still lifes, views, portraits and, with the greatest passion, female nudes. I also make computer graphics on my own. I am interested in photography and women's underwear design.
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