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Monika Jerominek

visibility DISPLAYS: 215

In 1994, she graduated from the State Secondary School of Fine Arts in Katowice. She studied at the University of Silesia, at the Institute of Art in Cieszyn. She obtained her diploma in painting in 1999 in the studio of Professor Norbert Witek (master's thesis entitled "Orthodox Church Art - tradition and its continuation today"). She completed her bachelor's studies at the 3rd German Language Teacher Training College in Sosnowiec (2000-2003). She graduated from postgraduate studies in Icon Writing. Study of the Christian East of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Opole (2014-2015). In 2016, she started postgraduate studies in art therapy at the Silesian Teacher Training Center "Oświata" in Katowice. She completed icon writing courses with Irina Bołdina-Styczeń (2004) and Fr. Dr. Dariusz Klejnowski-Różycki (2007). Since 2007, she has been associated with the Silesian School of Iconography. Since 2013, he has been taking part in the International Icon Painting Workshops in Nowica.
She works as an art teacher and a teacher in the common room at the General Education School Complex No. 1 in Bytom. In parallel to his professional work, he writes icons and paints oil paintings and watercolors. He creates graphics using the drypoint technique and searches for new effects using experimental techniques.


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Artworks Gallery - Monika Jerominek

Tempera, Wood board, 40 cm x 40 cm
Price $530
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