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Nikola Kiraga

visibility DISPLAYS: 816

NIKOLA KIRAGA- artist painter
Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She paint in oil, acrylic and watercolor. My oil paintings are dominated by expressive stains. I rely on the mutual influence of colors based on contrast. Free movement in the means of expression will allow the recipient to add their own sense of seeing my paintings. She is interested in the paintings of colorists and impressionists. Clusters of memories from places in the Mediterranean countries: Greece, Spain, Italy resonate with my colorful interior and the way I perceive colors.
Communing with my painting relaxes the eyes and transports your thoughts to exotic climates.


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Artworks Gallery - Nikola Kiraga

Oil, Canvas, 70 cm x 50 cm
Price $2 350
Oil, Canvas, 120 cm x 60 cm
Price $1 310

Sales Archive - Nikola Kiraga

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